Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Da Vinci Shit

I have to go in to work today at 4:00. I guess they're having some banquet thing at Marco Polo. It kind of sucks, though, because tonight was the CRILA graduation that I wanted to go to. Maybe I'll still make it, who knows. This week looks bland already. I have the exam on Thursday. Biwak starts on Saturday. I might have to go buy a fucking hiking backpack before then. I really don't want to. Those shits are fucking expensive. Chances are, I'm going to end up spending anywhere from $100 to $150 bucks on this shit. God damn it.
I need to go to the movies and see some shit. There has been alot of buzz about films and shit lately. Like the Da Vinci Code. You have half of everyone saying that the movie is evil and if that if you believe in Jesus your eyes will fall out and your genitals will rot after watching the magic of directing genius (sarcasm) Ron Howard on the silver screen. That might have been a run-on sentence. Moving on: the other half of everyone is creaming over Dan Brown's story. His book managed to infiltrate a wide variety of demographic groups, which is a good thing for him, and a bad thing for everyone else. I want to read the book, because everyone is saying that it's really good. But at the same time, I don't want to read it for the same reason. If everyone says that the book is good, then how can it possibly be any good at all. Are people just reading this shit and pretending that they love it just so they can fit in and talk about it at their fucking book club meetings/around the water bubbler? Who the fuck knows. Let me just say that after ingesting some heavy-duty drugs last night, I spoke to Leonardo Da Vinci myself and he gave me his code. I'll agree to tell you as long as you guys promise not to tell ANYONE. Pinky swear. Alright, here is Da Vinci's code.
1ยท61803 39887 49894 84820 45868 34365 63811 77203 09179 80576

That'll be $7,830,857,283,837.67 .
I don't accept personal checks or credit cards.


Blogger Eastman said...

The book IS good. Believe me, I love telling people when the literature they're raving about is crap, but I honestly love all the Dan Brown books I've read.
On another note, there were protestors outside the manchester showcase when I bought my ticket for the 9:50 show (a little before 8:00) to see the Da Vinci Code, but strangly the protest group disappeared just before dark. Maybe they had to get home and rest up for church.

10:17 PM  

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