Thursday, May 18, 2006

Card Night

Tonight turned out to be a pretty legit night. A bunch of people ended up going over to the Kenyon household to play cards and shit like that. Bowski was like, three hours late picking me up but I love that kid so it's ok. It was good to see him again. Apel, Shames, me, Lebeau, Doak, and Jess were all over Kenyon's. The whole point of the night was to start on one of our projects for the summer, which is to create a board game, patent it, and hopefully license it to a major game manufacturer. That would be pretty sweet. I'm sure we could do it too, just because we're crazy like that. We did get some good ideas down.
It is good to see that people are doing their blogs again (Shames, Eastman, Quach, and hopefully LeBeau). I made a quick background in Fireworks; I'm not sure if I like it or not. It looks kind of weird...I don't know.
Tomorrow I gotta get my ass to work at 6, which isn't that bad because I could sleep in. Who knows how late I'll be working though... Peter needs to get off his fucking ass and talk to a friend of his to straighten out any purchasing concerns we may have (the right people know what I'm talking about). It needs to stop raining.
I know this entry isn't funny, because I didn't try to make it funny. It'll get better with time. Right now you're gonna have to deal with what you get. Bitches.


Blogger Eastman said...

I'm thinking about starting again. I'll have some more free time as the work load from school goes down a bit, but no promises. (yeah I'll probably cave and do it)

8:45 PM  

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